Come to SCC to take a class towards your UNL degree! Become a Visiting Student at SCC and complete a gen ed (ACE) course in 8 weeks this fall! Classes begin October 20 and run through December 17.
Here are the steps to register for classes at Southeast Community College as a visiting student:
• Complete the Visiting Student Application. Once the application has been submitted, you will be able to complete the registration process. Admission as a visiting student will happen within 24 hours of submitting the application!
• Complete a Registration Form for Credit Classes and email the completed form to the Registration and Records office. Please include a screenshot of your ACT or SAT scores and/or your unofficial transcript to demonstrate proficiency for the courses you wish to take. The email is registration@southeast.edu
Class schedules are available on the registration page. You may want to use Transfer Nebraska as well as checking with your college advisor to determine course equivalencies.
For additional assistance, please reach out to an admissions counselor for a phone or zoom appointment: https://www.southeast.edu/admissionsadvising/
More details at: http://www.southeast.edu