The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center reopened Aug. 21 with the films “John Lewis: Good Trouble” and “The Truth.” In order to reopen as safely as possible, the Ross is implementing a number of new policies to protect the health of our patrons and staff.
“John Lewis: Good Trouble” will run through Sept. 3. Using interviews and rare archival footage, “John Lewis: Good Trouble” chronicles Lewis’ 60-plus years of social activism and legislative action on civil rights, voting rights, gun control, health-care reform and immigration.
“The Truth” also runs through Sept. 3. Legends of French cinema Catherine Deneuve and Juliette Binoche join filmmaker Hirokazu Koreeda to paint a moving portrait of family dynamics in “The Truth.”
Below are some of the new policies in effect at the Ross, Details about the movies and reopening are available at http://www.theross.org.
The Ross will be following social distancing guidelines for our lobby and theaters. Patrons must allow at least 6’ of space between themselves and others. In the theatre, this equates to leaving at least 3 chairs between yourself/your group and other patrons and not sitting in front of or behind others.
The Ross will be following the University’s mandate that masks must be worn at all times while inside the building. This includes the time you are in the theater watching a movie. You are allowed to remove your mask to eat or drink concessions products, but must replace your mask as soon as you are finished. Masks will be available to purchase for $1.00 at the box office if you are unable to provide your own.
Before you attend a film at the Ross, please answer the following questions:
• Do you have a cough, change in breathing, sore throat, or a high temperature (100.4F or above)?
• Have you had close contact with an individual displaying any of the above symptoms?
• Have you been in close contact with anyone waiting on COVID-19 test results or who has been recently exposed?
If you have answered YES to any of these questions, we ask that you do not enter the building or attend a film at The Ross. If you have purchased a ticket in advance and need a refund, please call our business manager Kassandra Hill at (402) 472-7175 or email khill2@unl.edu.
We will be reopening with reduced show times for films to allow staff to clean between screenings. This will mean two screenings of each film on weekdays and three screenings of each film on weekends.
Our theater capacity will be reduced to 50%, which results in 41 available seats in the South Theatre and 98 seats in the Cooper Theater.
A large hand sanitizer station, located in the Ross lobby, is available for patrons. Theater seats and arm rests will be cleaned and sanitized before and after each screening and high touch areas will be cleaned on a regular basis.
The Ross encourages patrons to purchase their tickets and concessions online to reduce contact with staff. While online ticketing has been available previously, we have added all of our concessions items to the online system as well, so you can purchase in advance. Additional information will be added soon to walk you through the ticket and concessions buying process.
The Ross staff will be wearing masks and face shields. A plexiglass partition has been added to the concessions and box office counters.
The University has increased the amount of fresh air being drawn into HVAC systems in the Ross building by 50% and upgraded the air filters to more efficiently capture and reduce large and small particles in the air.
Please follow all directions from the Ross staff and posted signage. If you do not follow the directives, you will be asked to leave the theater without a refund.
For those patrons that do not feel comfortable attending public gatherings at this time, we will continue to offer a small number of streaming films that can be viewed online, with a portion of the proceeds going to support The Ross.