School of Computing professor Byrav Ramamurthy recently received a new grant from NGIatlantic.eu.
NGIatlantic.eu aims to bridge European and United States Next Generation Internet research and announced its list of selected projects for its third open call earlier this fall. Ramamurthy’s was one of five projects selected of 32 submitted from 15 European countries and 16 U.S. states.
Ramamurthy will collaborate on the project with Dr. Sachin Sharma of the Technological University of Dublin and Dr. Avishek Nag of University College of Dublin. Support for the project will be supplemented by Ramamurthy’s National Science Foundation grant, “Intelligent Optical Networks Using Virtualization and Software-Defined Control.”
The project, “ATLANTIC-eVISION: Cross-Atlantic Experimental Validation of Intelligent SDN-controlled IoT Networks,” addresses the NGI topic of discovery and identification technologies with the aim of setting up experiments in real testbeds for the first time for the automatic discovery of wireless IoT nodes using SDN/OpenFlow.
While traditionally OpenFlow is suited to fixed networks, some efforts have already been made to extend the application of OpenFlow in wireless networks, and this project will uniquely examine the automatic IoT node discovery using OpenFlow combined with machine-learning-based intelligence and applied over an intercontinental testbed.
According to the proposal, the new project has the potential to revolutionize the way wireless ad-hoc networks can be managed and to pave the way for scalable, low-cost, self-configurable and programmable future IoT networks supporting a plethora of use cases. Experiments will be carried out on real testbeds with enhanced capabilities like COSMOS, POWDER/RENEW, AERPAW and Fed4Fire.
"My graduate research students in the UNL-Netgroup team and I are excited to work on this international collaborative project,” Ramamurthy said. “Such projects provide a great opportunity for the School of Computing to increase our global visibility."
Congratulations to Dr. Ramamurthy and his colleagues on this outstanding and exciting achievement!