The GPN-WHPC presentation series is excited to announce its next speaker, Dr. Christine Elsik from the University of Missouri. Christine Elsik is a professor at the University of Missouri, with a joint appointment in the Division of Animal Sciences and the Division of Plant Science & Technology, and is a core faculty member of the MU Institute for Data Science & Informatics. She will describe her work in developing genome databases, and how her career moved from genetics and molecular biology at the lab bench to exclusively computing and informatics.
Please join this Wednesday, May 11th at noon CST on Zoom:
The Holland Computing Center (HCC) is part of the Great Plains Network (GPN) and GPN recently formed Women in High Performance Computing Chapter (WHPC). GPN-WHPC is Chapter of the International Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) organization. The Chapter is open for everyone, and its primary goal is to promote diverse and inclusive environment for all HPC researchers as well as researchers interested in using and learning about HPC resources. Every second Wednesday of the month we have invited speaker. Everyone is welcome to join the meetings, and we encourage you to bring coworkers, friends and allies! For more updates, please join the GPN-WHPC email list, https://groups.google.com/a/greatplains.net/g/gp-whpc.
Presenter: Dr. Christine Elsik from University of Missouri
When: May 11th, noon CST
Where: https://zoom.us/j/99330960764?pwd=SUlvekVWdmpVN1VYRTZSNHF1SlhLQT09