International Student Success Navigator team expands to 4

New International Student Success Navigators Nakell Baker (top left) and Rachel Ayalon (top right) pose with ISSO graduate assistants and Global Peer Mentors.
New International Student Success Navigators Nakell Baker (top left) and Rachel Ayalon (top right) pose with ISSO graduate assistants and Global Peer Mentors.

by Nakell Baker | International Student and Scholar Office
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Over the summer, the International Student Success Navigator (ISSN) team expanded to four staff members to further support international students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Hosted in various offices across campus, the ISSNs serve as a resource hub for student services and events. Rachel Ayalon and Nakell Baker joined the team in the International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO). They work closely with their colleagues Kaitlyn Waller, who serves as the ISSN for the CUSP Scholarship Program, and Chris Ebbers, who is the ISSN for students that are part of the 3+1 program with Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University.

ISSN responsibilities include designing, implementing and coordinating support for UNL’s international student populations. This includes transitional efforts to integrate international students into the Nebraska community and supporting academic success and student engagement. The ISSNs will also serve as a resource to international student clubs and organizations across campus. Working both as a team and independently in their assigned student groups, ISSNs will facilitate communication, develop programs and coordinate events that target the specific needs of various students.

The focus areas of each ISSN are outlined below:

The programs developed by the ISSN team will enhance the living and learning experiences of students, and foster a successful socio-cultural adjustment to life at Nebraska and in the US. These programs will enable students to integrate into the campus and Lincoln community; to understand U.S. customs, norms and laws; and where to find UNL resources including academic advisors, academic buildings, housing, student accounts, on campus health facilities and on and off-campus locations for food, entertainment, groceries, etc. The ISSNs will also work with other on-campus offices and academic advisors to support international students.

The International Student Success Navigators are supported by two Graduate Assistants in ISSO and the Global Peer Mentor Program. The Global Peer Mentors are a diverse group of 17 students, undergraduate and graduate, who help with the development and implementation of programs that provide on-going support to new international students. A full, updated schedule of events for the fall 2019 semester can be found on the ISSO website. Scheduled events include monthly Lunch and Learn workshops, trips to Roca Berry Farms and Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, Dinner in a Nebraska Home, and the semesterly Snacks and Signatures event.

For more questions about the ISSN team, contact Karen Cagley, Director of ISSO, at