Calling all undergraduate/graduate students and recent college graduates interested in agency careers!
We need you! Our first-ever Agency-Ready Certificate program last summer won rave reviews from students and agency leaders alike – even professors gave it an A+. Nearly 2,000 students earned their certificates, and many have accepted agency jobs. This summer, we are bringing back this popular program.
Whether you have an internship/entry-level role or are looking to secure one, we want to help you on your path to a successful agency career. We know that new talent is the lifeblood of our agencies, so we want to get to know you and provide you with critical knowledge to be successful. By participating in the program and our career portal, our Member firms will know where to find you and you’ll be even more prepared.
Please click on the registration link below to sign up for the certificate program. You’ll participate in agency leader-led webinars on important areas including strategic planning, applying data, social media strategy, crisis communications, client service, digital innovation and more. You’ll also hear from agency pros on important industry tech platforms, actions the industry is taking to become more diverse, secrets to remote interviewing, resume writing and time management.
We all cannot wait to meet you.
For more information or to register: