Math Department Events
GRE Math information and study session
Math Club Event
The GRE Math Subject test is relevant to those who wish to pursue graduate programs in mathematics. Graduate students Karina Uhing and Eric Hopkins will discuss how to prepare for the GRE Math Subject test and will go over some practice problems.
Thursday September 12 from 4:30 - 5:30 pm
351 Avery Hall
Math Modeling: a Collaborative Exploration of Real-World Problems
Presentation by graduate student Nikki Buczkowski.
Modeling is a process that uses math to provide insight into real world phenomena; see this video for a quick introduction. Come see how you can apply the math that you know and get involved in math modeling activities right here at UNL. A group of undergraduate students who were involved in math modeling competitions last year will share their insights and experiences.
Thursday, September 19 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
351 Avery Hall
Joel Spencer, Courant Institute—New York University
Four Discrepancies
In Combinatorial Descrepancy, Paul selects objects and Carole balances them into two piles as evenly as possible. In this talk the objects will be n n-dimensional vectors with coefficients ±1. Carole assigns to each vector ±1 (the two piles) and the payoff (which Carole tries to minimize) is the L-infinity norm of the signed sum. We consider four variants of this problem. Paul may play randomly (in which case Carole tries to minimize expectation) or adversarially. Carole may play On-Line (selecting each sign immediately after seeing its vector) or Off-Line (seeing all vectors and then selecting all signs). The arguments (for both Paul and Carole) involve a combination of appropriate weight functions and probabilistic (Carole selects ±1 randomly!) thinking. The four variants are all interesting. In each case we know the answer up to constants and in some cases we know (or nearly know) the constants. We emphasize new results, with Nikhil Bansal, for the random on-line variant. Anagram Fans!: Why is Carole spelled with an e?
Friday, September 20 from 4:00 - 4:50 pm
115 Avery Hall
Tomasz Szemberg, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Hosted by Brian Harbourne
Friday, September 27 from 4:00 - 4:50 pm
115 Avery Hall
Campus-Wide Events
Pre-Health Orientation
Tuesday, September 10 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, September 11 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Nebraska Union Platte River South (Colonial A)
For new Pre-Health students, this session will cover Pre-Health basics and discuss course planning, entrance exams, co-curricular activities, and more. Attend the session that fits your schedule best.
Time Keeps on Slippin'
An Academic Success Workshop
Time Management: Learn to prioritize tasks and customize a schedule that will change your life.
Tuesday, September 10 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, September 11 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm
221 Love Library South
CAS Inquire Lecture Series
Guy Reynolds: Dystopian Novels and Films/English
This year’s theme is The Rise of the Machines. The lecture series serves as a touchstone for the college, giving students, staff and faculty a focal point and shared topic for conversations and further inquiry. https://cas.unl.edu/cas-inquire
Tuesday, September 10 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Nebraska Union Auditorium
Calling All New Students!
The College of Arts and Sciences Kickoff event will be a chance for you to meet CAS advisors, ambassadors, student advisory board members, and your classmates while getting some free ice cream! New students are also able to get a free CAS t-shirt. I look forward to seeing you there!
Thursday, September 12 from 3:00 - 4:30 pm
The space between Avery, Burnett, and Oldfather Halls
Interviewing Tips for Health Schools
A Pre-Health Workshop
Will you be interviewing for a professional health school soon? Learn strategies for having a great interview.
Thursday, September 12 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
221 Love Library South
Big Red Ruckus
New to the University? Make some noise and new friends at the Big Red Ruckus! Enjoy games, activities, free pizza and samples from Dunkin Donuts! Fill out the event passport for a chance to win a gift card to the University Bookstore. Download the Nebraska App (https://its-api.unl.edu/app/download.php?c=unl) to get the event passport online. Meet with staff from Education Abroad, First Year Experience, and Huskertech. This event is free and open to all students. For more details on the games and prizes, visit: http://libraries.unl.edu/big-red-ruckus.
Sunday, September 15 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Adele Hall Learning Commons (Love Library North)
Education Abroad Fair
Enhance your academic experience at Nebraska by participating in study, internship, research, or service learning abroad. With many unique programs in over 70 countries, students have the opportunity to find the perfect fit for their individual academic, personal, and professional goals, as well as their budget. Attend the Education Abroad fair to learn about program options, funding opportunities and how to get started!
Tuesday, September 17 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Fountain Plaza outside the Nebraska City Campus Union
You're Gonna Need to Read This
An Academic Success Workshop
Reading Strategies: Learn how to keep up with your assignments and connect readings to lectures.
Tuesday, September 17 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, September 18 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm
221 Love Library South
Study at Sheldon
Sheldon’s Great Hall will be transformed into a great study hall. Fuel up with snacks and find inspiration throughout the galleries.
Tuesday, September 17 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Sheldon Museum of Art
Pre-Law Orientation
A Pre-Law Workshop
This workshop is designed for any student considering applying to law school in the future. Freshmen through seniors will learn what it means to be Pre-Law, how to best plan your undergraduate education for law school success, and what makes a competitive applicant. Students will break into groups and discuss specific timelines for undergraduate preparation for law school admission.
Wednesday, September 18 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
221 Love Library South
University Career Fair – Day 1
Employers will be in attendance to discuss hiring opportunities within business, social and human services, agricultural sciences and natural resources, government and nonprofits. https://app.joinhandshake.com/career_fairs/10460
Tuesday, September 24 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm
Pinnacle Bank Arena
University Career Fair – Day 2
Employers will be in attendance to discuss hiring opportunities within science, technology, engineering and mathematics. https://app.joinhandshake.com/career_fairs/10460
Wednesday, September 25 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm
Pinnacle Bank Arena
Get To Know The LSAT
A Pre-Law Workshop
Pre-Law students of all grade levels are encouraged to attend this presentation on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Topics covered will include an overview of the exam and its sections, how to best prepare for the exam during your undergraduate education, practice LSAT opportunities, and timing of the test with law school admissions cycles. Bring your thinking cap and be prepared to do a few exam questions during the session for a prize!
Thursday, September 26 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
221 Love Library South