Hello Math Majors,
I hope that settling into your courses for the fall semester has gone fairly smoothly for you this semester. If you are running into any unusual issues with your courses, please don't hesitate to contact me.
There is no better time than NOW to schedule an appointment with me to discuss your future course plans and other future plans that you may have or want to have. During meetings with me, you can expect the following things from me:
- I will work to get to know you and support your overall success and well-being. I will ask you questions about what’s going well and what is challenging you academically, personally, and professionally.
- I will be knowledgeable about your degree requirements and academic programs across the college, as well as a range of campus resources, policies, procedures, and deadlines.
- I will work to help you develop a degree plan, then work with you every semester to update and refine it to best meet your developing interests and goals.
- I will challenge you to gain real world experience through internships, research, education abroad, service, and leadership. I will also connect you with the resources and people who can help you plan for life after graduation.
Since you can and SHOULD have these expectations of me as your academic advisor, I also have expectations from you as one of my assigned advisees. I will expect you to do the following:
- You will visit every semester to build a relationship with me. You will share what you are doing both in and out of the classroom, and be honest and open about how things are going.
- You will access the tools in MyRED, along with your Degree Audit, the Academic Calendar, and the Undergraduate Catalog regularly. These tools will allow you to come prepared to ask questions and take next steps. You will also follow up on referrals to relevant resources that will help you be successful.
- You will build a degree plan thoughtfully, then review and revise it with me. You will also be intentional about using elective space and consider adding a 2nd major or minor.
- You will be open to trying new things, meeting new people, and challenging yourself to seek experiential opportunities that add value to your academic work and make you competitive for employment or additional education.
We will need time to accomplish all of these things, so you should plan to meet with me for at least 60 minutes each semester. Right now, I have setup MyPlan to allow for both 30 minute and 60 minute appointments with me. If you schedule a 30 minute appointment in September or October, there will likely be things that we are not able to get to in a 30 minute meeting. Therefore, you can expect me to ask to schedule a following meeting with you during the second half of the fall semester. If you have any questions about the above expectations, I would be happy to discuss these things further during a face-to-face meeting or via email.
@huskers.unl.edu Email Address
Starting this summer, ALL University email messages are going to your @huskers.unl.edu email address regardless of your email preferences on MyRed. You MUST check your @huskers.unl.edu email address regularly to stay up-to-date with important announcements from the University. If you would like more information about this change, please visit https://its.unl.edu/helpcenter/student-email-migration/ and review the current student tab of information. All students will be expected to be reviewing their @huskers.unl.edu email address, so if you miss an important piece of information sent to this email, you will be held responsible for it. If you know your fellow classmates haven't switched over to using their @huskers.unl.edu email address, PLEASE give them this information.
Math Undergraduate Lounge
Lastly, everyone should have access to the Math Undergraduate Lounge in 18 Avery Hall via your NCard. I have worked with Tom Danaher to get everyone with a Math major as part of their degree plan access to the lounge, so please let Tom or I know if you don't have access to the lounge. Our undergraduate lounge is such as great place to hang out, study, and find some quiet time.
Doug's Fall 2019 Advising Hours
My advising hours in 209 Avery Hall (within 203 Avery Hall) will be as follows:
Appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
30 minute and 60 minute appointments from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Click here for step by step instructions for creating an appointment on MyPlan!
Walk-in Wednesdays!
Walk-in meetings from 8:30-11:30 am and 1:00-3:30 pm
Dr. Radu's Fall 2019 Advising Hours
This fall, Dr. Radu will have advising hours on Mondays from 1:00-2:30 pm in 211 Avery Hall (just around the corner from the department office). Dr. Radu is also available by appointment, and you can contact her at pradu@unl.edu to set one up.