Hello Math Majors,
Today, Monday, February 10, marks the start of the fifth week of the spring semester. I know that Calculus I and Calculus II are having their first exams this week, so the first midterm exams must be coming up in other classes. I hope that you have been doing your best to prepare for these exams already, but there is still time to construct a study plan. I know that cramming for exams is a favorite pastime for college students, but it is not an ideal way to prepare for an exam. Exam cramming is also not helpful for your overall learning.
The best way to prepare for a midterm exam is to construct a study plan that normally takes place over a week or longer. For example, there has been 4 weeks of classes so far this semester, and I hope that you have reviewed each week's course material at the end of the week. If you have 4 weeks of material, you should plan to study one week each day before the exam. Then, you will want to have 2 or 3 days to study all of the material as a whole. This means that you need 6 or 7 days of study time prior to the exam to be well prepared. The amount of time that you study each day depends on the amount of material that you have to cover. Given the amount of time needed, you will need to know that an exam is coming up well in advance. This is why creating a calendar of your exam dates (and other important projects) for each class for the semester is so important, and I believe it is a critical thing to do during the first week of class.
Understandably, every class is a little bit different, and your class instructor may give you a study guide for the upcoming exam. A study plan is just another tool that you can use to be prepared. If you have questions about doing this or creating a study plan, you are more than welcome to visit me for a scheduled appointment or a walk-in meeting.
@huskers.unl.edu Email Address
Starting this past summer, ALL University email messages are going to your @huskers.unl.edu email address regardless of your email preferences on MyRed. You MUST check your @huskers.unl.edu email address regularly to stay up-to-date with important announcements from the University. If you would like more information about this change, please visit https://its.unl.edu/helpcenter/student-email-migration/ and review the current student tab of information. All students will be expected to be reviewing their @huskers.unl.edu email address, so if you miss an important piece of information sent to this email, you will still be held responsible for it. If you know your fellow classmates haven't switched over to using their @huskers.unl.edu email address, PLEASE give them this information.
Doug's Spring 2020 Advising Hours
Appointments Every Week Day.
30 minute and 60 minute appointments from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Click here for step by step instructions for creating an appointment on MyPlan!
Walk-in Wednesdays!
Walk-in meetings from 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Dr. Ledder's Spring 2020 Advising Hours
Dr. Ledder will see students on a walk-in basis in 211 Avery Hall on the following schedule:
Mondays 12:30 - 1:00 pm;
Thursdays 12:00 - 12:30 pm; and
Fridays 1:30 - 2:00 pm.
Dr. Ledder is also happy to see students by appointment outside of these hours. You can schedule an appointment with him by emailing him at gledder@unl.edu.