Spring Research Fair
Registration is now open for the Spring Research Fair on Tuesday, April 14 in the Nebraska Union. The undergraduate poster session and creative exhibition will be from 10:30 am - 12:00 noon with the graduate session running from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Registration is open until Friday, March 20: https://www.unl.edu/gradstudies/professional-development/research-fair-registration.
Posters are due to the Pixel Lab by April 7. See poster guidelines and templates here:https://research.unl.edu/springresearchdays/poster-and-creative-exhibit-guidelines-and-templates/.
All UCARE students are expected to participate in the Spring Research Fair. If you have a conflict, there is an option on the registration form to let Justina Clark from UCARE know of the conflict so she can contact you to discuss other options (presenting at the Nebraska Summer Research Symposium on August 5, at a regional/national conference in your field, or at a department-specific colloquium or similar event).
More information about the Spring Research Fair, please visit https://research.unl.edu/springresearchdays/undergraduate-poster-session-and-creative-exhibition/.