The UCARE Program is accepting applications for Summer 2020 and Academic Year 2020-21 funding. UCARE participants receive a $2,400 research stipend and experience hands-on learning with a faculty advisor on a research or creative activity project. Summer 2020 applications are due February 10 and Academic Year 2020-21 applications are due March 2.
UCARE applications are now submitted through NuRamp. A link to the online application and step-by-step instructions for students and faculty are found at https://ucare.unl.edu/apply-ucare. Students can also access the application by visiting https://nuramp.nebraska.edu/competitions/start-application and selecting UCARE Summer 2020 or UCARE Academic Year 2020-21 from the drop-down menu.
Summer 2020 participants commit to 20 hours per week from June-August. Academic Year 2020-21 recipients commit to 10 hours per week from September-April. All UCARE participants will present their research or creative activity at the Nebraska Summer Research Symposium in August 2020 or the Spring Research Fair in April 2021. Skill-building seminars on topics like graduate school preparation and professional presentation skills are offered throughout the summer and academic year to enhance the UCARE experience.
Students must confirm a project and faculty advisor before applying. Visit the UCARE website for full eligibility requirements and to learn more about identifying a faculty advisor or developing the research proposal.
Projects from all colleges and disciplines are highly encouraged. Students who are unsure how to develop a UCARE project in their field, should contact Justina Clark at jclark17@unl.edu to discuss research or creative interests.
Students can attend the upcoming UCARE info session to learn more about the UCARE program, how to identify a project and faculty mentor, and how to write a strong proposal for the program. The next UCARE info session will take place Monday, February 10, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union (check digital signage for the room). Register at https://research.unl.edu/events/event.php?eventID=4497.
For questions email ucare@unl.edu or encourage students to make an appointment via MyPLAN with Justina Clark from the Office of Undergraduate Research.