Advising Updates
This week, I want to wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday break! Continue reading…
This week, I want to wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday break! Continue reading…
Until Sunday, November 28th, the Math Department will be selling shirts to help you show your Math pride! There are 4 options this year: short-sleeved, long-sleeved, hoodie, or sweatshirt, and the prices range from $12 to $18. Please visit to order yours today! Continue reading…
Are you interested in Mathematics and looking to dive a little deeper? During the Spring 2022 semester, the Math Department will be offering Honors Calculus III and Honors Linear Algebra. Click here to learn more about the difference between an Honors and a non-Honors Math course! Continue reading…
Wednesday, November 24 - Student Holiday (UNL offices open)
Thursday, November 25 to Sunday, November 28 - Thanksgiving Vacation (UNL offices closed)
The Society of Actuaries is conducting a survey of university students to learn more about the factors that led them to choose to pursue various career paths, especially those in the areas of statistics, data science, actuarial science, and similar fields. Continue reading…
Students interested in virtually attending the 24th annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics online January 21-23, 2022, must complete a registration online between October 11 and December 3, 2021. Students interested in presenting must apply by October 25. Continue reading…
For marginalized, underrepresented, and underserved undergraduate mathematicians, the 2021 Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement and Alliance of Marginalized Mathematicians (OURFA2M2) registration is finally available! Continue reading…
Join in the university’s 2021 International Education Week celebrations with more than 80 virtual and in-person events to celebrate global opportunities and international diversity from Nov. 1 to 24. Continue reading…
The Department of Mathematics at Emory University is pleased to invite prospective graduate students to a virtual open house. The event will be held on the interactive platform on November 23, 2021 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Continue reading…
The Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science, a graduate program within the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research will host another information session about the program on Thursday, December 2, 2021 from 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. EST. Continue reading…
Folks from NASA’s Scientific Balloon Program Office will be hosting a virtual presentation about high-altitude ballooning on Wednesday, December 1, from 1:00–2:00 PM CT. This presentation will be specifically geared toward college students who are interested in high-altitude ballooning. Continue reading…
The Emerging Media Arts program is offering these two courses open to all majors: EMAR 349 – Machine Learning for the Arts (3cr) and EMAR 391 Sec 009 – Smart Environments (3cr). Continue reading…
In LIBR 110: Information & Your Life, we will explore how to find, access, evaluate, and use information, and how the information systems we use are influenced by a variety of forces that shape the creation of information and our use of it. Continue reading…
The Chancellor’s Diversity Commissions will host a panel discussion to discuss intersectionality and mental health. The panel will be held Thursday, December 2 at 4:00 p.m. at Sheldon Museum of Art. Register at Continue reading…
Click here for job and internship openings that would be available for Mathematics majors. Continue reading…
Your faculty partner, Prof. Petronela Radu (, and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (, are here to help if you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as as student. Click here for scheduling details! Continue reading…
Undergraduate and high school students of all disciplines are invited to register for COMAP’s 2022 International Math Modeling Contests by Thursday, February 17! Now is the time to start forming your team! Continue reading…
Applications for Pi Mu Epsilon are open now! Pi Mu Epsilon is an honorary mathematics society that invites students to become members regardless of major. The application form will be available online and at the front desk of the Math Department office until Monday, January 31, 2022. Continue reading…
The Association for Women in Math & Math for America essay contest will open for submissions on December 1. Students would interview a woman in a mathematical career and write a short biographical essay about her and her work. The deadline for submission is February 1, 2022. Continue reading…
Mortar Board is the University of Nebraska’s only national senior honor society and is an association of collegians selected for distinguished ability in Scholarship, Leadership, and Service. Juniors are invited to apply for membership in UNL's the Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board by January 21! Continue reading…
The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Computational Science develops students into scientists and engineers who will create advanced computational methods and tools to model and solve challenging problems at the intersections of scientific disciplines. Continue reading…
Former UNL Post-Doc and current Texas Tech Professor Amanda Laubmeier has a GRA position available at Texas Tech University for the 2022-23 academic year. The GRA position will involve a project appropriate for anyone considering a PhD in mathematics and interested in ecological modelling. Continue reading…
Based on the recent U.S. news and World Report, the Graduate Program in Statistics at Texas A&M University ranks the 14th in the U.S. graduate statistics programs and 20th in the graduate biostatistics and statistics programs combined. Continue reading…
Professor Iris Wang from the University of Illinois reached out about their Ph.D. program in Information Systems & Operations Management. Professor Wang has a background in Statistics before earning a Business graduate degree, so she wants connect with non-Business students about their program. Continue reading…
Applications are currently being accepted for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science's Summer 2022 Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships program. The application deadline is January 12, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. CST. Continue reading…
Computational and Information Systems Lab at NCAR/UCAR is pleased to announce that they are now accepting applications for the 2022 Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science. The application deadline for the 2022 SIParCS program is January 10, 2022 at 4 pm MT. Continue reading…
Innocents Senior Honor Society will be accepting applications from current juniors graduating no earlier than May 2023 until January 21, 2022. Continue reading…
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) invites candidates to apply for one of our doctoral program tracks: (1) Applied Mathematics or (2) Applied Probability & Statistics. Continue reading…
Application open for Autumn 2022 admission
Over 80 graduate faculty are available to guide dissertation research in virtually every area of mathematics. Research and students are supported by numerous NSF CAREER, standard, and training grants. Continue reading…
San Diego State University is pleased to invite applications to its Summer 2022 Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates. The program dates this year will be June 12 -- August 6. Continue reading…
This unique, two-year rotational fellowship sits at the intersection of the federal government and the financial services industry. DFAs are given the opportunity to hone analytical and problem-solving skills while helping to make consumer financial markets work for Americans. Continue reading…
Caltech is now accepting applications for our WAVE Fellows undergraduate research program, which provides support for undergraduate students, who are underrepresented in STEM and intend on pursuing a Ph.D., to conduct a 10-week summer research project under mentorship of Caltech faculty. Continue reading…
The Phi Beta Kappa Society invites scholarship applications from well-rounded arts, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences students. The Society will accept applications through January 23, 2022. Continue reading…
Santa Clara University’s NSF Noyce grant seeks to attract a variety of qualified STEM majors who are dedicated to using education as a tool for social justice and to become middle or high school mathematics teachers in racially, ethnically, linguistically, and economically diverse schools. Continue reading…
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