New Emerging Media Arts Courses!
The Emerging Media Arts program is offering these two courses open to all majors.
EMAR 349 – Machine Learning for the Arts (3cr)
Explore frontiers of machine learning (ML) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) to create digital works. Learn state-of-the-art techniques for working with text, image, audio, video, and 3D forms.
EMAR 391 Sec 009 – Smart Environments (3cr)
This new course in Emerging Media Arts introduces smart environments across multiple scales and contexts. From smart devices (speakers, voice assistants, camera), to room-scale environments (responsive audio-visual), to smart buildings, smart cities (autonomous vehicles, public transport), and even smart networks and grids.
All majors welcome for both classes, but you will need permission to enroll in either course. Contact Professor Robert Twomey, rtwomey@unl.edu, to inquire.