Virtual Open House for Emory's Graduate Programs in Computational Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics at Emory University is pleased to invite prospective graduate students to a virtual open house. Our department provides excellent research opportunities and offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. tracks in Mathematics and Computational Mathematics.
The event will be held on the interactive gather.town platform on November 23, 2021 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. We ask that participants RSVP by completing this survey by November 22.
During the event, faculty and current students will be available to answer any questions about our program (e.g., application process, academic requirements, placement, student life, ...). The event will be held on gather.town and provides opportunities for participants to video chat directly with faculty and current students.
For Ph.D. students, a number of five-year scholarships are available through Emory's Laney Graduate School. These scholarships cover all tuition expenses, a stipend of at least $31,000 per year, health insurance, professional development funds, and travel support. Moreover, there are several special admissions scholarships available. Applications for fall admissions are due on Jan 1, 2022 for our Ph.D. and Jan 31, 2022 for our M.Sc program.
Lars Ruthotto