Undergraduate Summer School in Modeling and Simulation with PDEs at Texas A&M University
The Undergraduate Summer School in Modeling and Simulation with PDEs at Texas A&M University in May 2024 will introduce undergraduate students to the topics of mathematical modeling with partial differential equations (PDEs) and the numerical solution of PDEs with various discretization techniques.
The intended audience are highly motivated, advanced undergraduate students (typically juniors / seniors) with an interest in mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, and scientific computation.
Participating students will be provided with on-campus housing, meal vouchers, and subsidized travel to and from College Station.
Much more information about this summer school can be found at https://people.tamu.edu/~maier/summerschool2024/.
Applications are due by February 16, 2024, and you can apply at https://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/1529.
If you have any questions about the summer school structure, please contact Matthias Maier (maier@tamu.edu).