Theoretical and Application Driven Mathematics REU
Twelve undergraduate students will be selected to participate in the National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored eight-week Theoretical and Application Driven Mathematics REU (TADM-REU) program. We strongly encourage members of traditionally underserved groups in STEM fields to apply.
Eligibility: Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Stipends: $4,800, housing and travel support.
Research Projects
• Project 1: Coding Theory: “Graph based quantum error-correcting codes”(Mentor: Padmapani Seneviratne)
• Project 2: Complex Analysis: “The excess area between images of domains under analytic mappings”(Mentor: Mehmet Celik)
• Project 3: Image Analysis: “Correlation between vector field features embedded into modified by operators and original images”(Mentor: Nikolay M. Sirakov)
• Project 4: Mathematical Biology: “Estimating the damage due to reperfusion caused by Ischaemia via a mathematical model”(Mentor: Aditi Ghosh)
REU Activities
The eight-week program will include an orientation, introduction to computer algebra systems and LaTex, collaboration on a research project with faculty mentors, and other REU students, weekly guest speakers from academia or industry, roundtable discussions, a field trip to a research institution, written project reports, final presentation, and social activities.
To Apply
Submit a letter of interest, unofficial transcripts, a reference letter, and a ranking of 2024(from highest to lowest) projects in which you would like to participate at https://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/1585 website by March 29th 2024.
For further information, contact padmapani.seneviratne@tamuc.edu and visit https://inside.tamuc.edu/academics/colleges/scienceEngineeringAgriculture/departments/mathematics/reu/default.aspx.