Pi Mu Epsilon - Spring 2024 Applications!
Pi Mu Epsilon is an honorary mathematics society that invites students to become members regardless of major. The Nebraska Alpha Chapter inducts new members each spring. Applications for Spring 2024 are now open. The application deadline is 3 pm CST on Thursday, February 29, 2024. The induction ceremony and annual Pi Mu Epsilon lecture will tentatively be on Friday, May 3, 2024.
To apply, please download the Application and Instructions or visit the math office in 203 Avery Hall for a hard copy.
Membership Requirements
In order to qualify for membership, you must have:
1. a 3.0 GPA overall,
2. a 3.5 GPA in all math courses, and
3. completed at least two semesters of calculus and at least two more classes at or above the level of calculus (e.g., Math 106, 107, 208 and one of 221 or 314).
Pi Mu Epsilon is a non-secret organization whose purpose is the promotion of scholarly activity in mathematics among students in academic institutions, and among the staffs of qualified non-academic institutions. It aims to do this by:
1. electing members on an honorary basis according to their proficiency in mathematics,
2. by engaging in activities designed to promote the mathematical and scholarly development of its members, and
3. by taking any other measures that will further the purpose stated above.
1. Join the vast nationwide community of scholars sharing interest in mathematical sciences.
2. Receive a one-year subscription to the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal (included in the lifetime membership fee).
3. Gain eligibility to become an officer of the Nebraska Alpha Chapter. The officers can directly participate in planning and organization of the Chapter activities and Math Club events.
4. Become eligible to apply for funding from the Pi Mu Epsilon to travel to undergraduate conferences. For example, PME Chapters can nominate members for support to attend the national Pi Mu Epsilon meeting held each summer in conjunction with the MAA's MathFest.
5. Enhance your CV/Resume by listing your Pi Mu Epsilon affiliation.
Please visit https://math.unl.edu/math-club/pme for more information about Pi Mu Epsilon and the Nebraska Alpha Chapter.