The technical computing software, Matlab is now available for free for all UNL students, staff and faculty. The free license includes Matlab, Simulink and 48 supporting products and toolboxes.
Matlab can be used for a range of applications, including signal processing and communication, image and video processing, control systems, test and measurement, computational finance, and computational biology.
The Office of Academic Affairs in partnership with the College of Engineering, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Office of Research and Economic Development are funding the University-wide site license for Matlab for faculty and staff. The student license is funded by the student technology fee with the support of the ASUN Academic Fee Advisory Committee.
Details about the license and the instructions on how to obtain and install the software are available at http://procurement.unl.edu/matlab-licenses. Learn more about Matlab online at http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/h33