If you are thinking about study abroad in Australia, make a point to stop by the Nebraska Union from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 9 to visit with reps from ten top Australian universities, GlobalLinks Learning, STA Travel and UNL Education Abroad. Attendees have a chance to win a $500 travel voucher.
This event, the first of its kind in the United States, will bring representatives from ten of Australia’s top universities to the UNL campus! Apart from other study abroad fairs, this will be an opportunity for students to talk directly with representatives from Australian Universities to determine which program will best fit their study abroad goals. Australian universities being represented include: Bond University, Griffith University, Murdoch University, Australian College of Physical Education, International College of Management Sydney, University of Adelaide, University of Melbourne, University of Newcastle, University of New South Wales, and University of Technology Sydney. These Australian universities represent some of the top universities, not only in Australia, but the world.
Study programs are available for all majors. Students can learn about semester or year-long study options, summer programs, internships, and even earning a graduate degree in Australia.
“We are incredibly excited about bringing the upcoming Study Abroad in Australia tour to the University of Nebraska,” said Steve Luther, GlobaLinks Learning Abroad Director of Specialty Programs Outreach and Development. “This event provides students with an unprecedented opportunity to talk directly with representatives from the Australian universities and
GlobaLinks Learning Abroad to plan their future overseas experience. Students considering studying abroad in Australia will not want to miss this incredible event where they can hear firsthand accounts of studying abroad in Australia.”
For more information about this event, please contact Steve Luther, Director of Specialty Programs Outreach and Development for GlobaLinks at sluther@globalinksabroad.org or Allison Poole, Education Abroad Coordinator at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln at apoole2@unl.edu
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/hpev