UNL's Innocents Society and the President’s Leadership Society of the University of Iowa are asking Nebraskans and Iowans to help select a trophy for the annual student exchange following the Nebraska-Iowa football game.
Through Oct. 3, voters can go to http://go.unl.edu/trophy to help select one of four trophies — a four-foot wooden cornstalk, a corn bowl, a large ear of corn or a tall pitchfork. The site displays drawings and descriptions of the yet-to-be-developed trophies.
The new exchange is between the two societies, which represent the student bodies of the two Big Ten universities. The trophy exchange will occur at the annual Iowa-Nebraska post-Thanksgiving football game, this year scheduled for Nov. 25.
The Innocents Society has a history of trophy exchanges, most notably the Victory Bell exchange with the QEBH Society at the University of Missouri. That exchange began in 1927 and continued until Nebraska’s final season in the Big 12 in 2010. The Innocents Society won the right to keep the bell trophy permanently.
The Innocents Society is the chancellor’s senior honorary at UNL. The society was founded April 24, 1903. For more information, go to http://unlcms.unl.edu/innocent.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/trophy