Job-related expertise is essential in any profession, however, soft skills may ultimately be more important in determining an individual’s level of success. This competence is characterized by a combination of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that characterize our relationships with other people.
The goal of this workshop is to demonstrate the importance of interpersonal skills in the work environment, especially for students that aspire a Research career.
The workshop consists of a presentation followed by an interactive session and will be offered on both campuses:
March 2, 2017 - City Campus (Regency A) from 9am-12pm or 2pm-5pm
March 3, 2017 - East Campus (Prairie Suite) from 9am-12pm or 2pm-5pm
Registration is due February 24 at https://goo.gl/ZRC4ko
Contact gsa@unl.edu for more information.
More details at: https://goo.gl/ZRC4ko