The UNL Peace + Civility Project aims to promote civility across the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, specifically by promoting the core values of civil interactions through encouraging dialogue across the university.
Understanding the nine tools for Peace + Civility can help you properly manage difficult conversations and conflict.
Apologize. Be sincere and repair damaged relationships.
Be Constructive. When disagreeing, stick to the issues and don't make a personal attack.
Be Inclusive. Welcome all groups of citizens working for the greater good of the community.
Be Open. Look for opportunities to agree; don't contradict just to do so.
Don't Gossip. And don't accept when others choose to do so.
Listen. Focus on others in order to better understand their points of view.
Pay Attention. Be aware and attend to the world and the people around you.
Show Respect. Honor other people and their opinions, especially in the midst of disagreement.
Take Responsibility. Don't shift responsibility and blame onto others; share disagreements publicly.
Multiple events this week offer the opportunity to discuss and process the election. View a schedule of events. Hosted by CAPS, Big Red Resilience and Well-being, OASIS, ASUN and more, these events are open to students of all political views.
As you engage with others who have different opinions, it's important to approach those settings in a civil and respectful manner. Here's how to participate in a healthy way, especially during the current election cycle:
1. Listen to others. Challenge yourself to have a conversation with someone whose views are different from your own.
2. Register and vote if you are eligible.
3. If you’re feeling distressed, reach out for support.
4. Think about your own social media use and what is healthy for you.
5. If you witness an act of injustice, racism or bigotry, report it.