Making a personal connection in the job search can make all the difference and doing so is now easier for students through two new features in Handshake, the platform provided by Career Services which lists local, national, and international work and career opportunities.
When searching for part-time or full-time job, internship or service positions in Handshake, students can message a recruiter identified for a specific position using the “Send a message” link. Reaching out to an employer this way shows initiative and lets a recruiter get to know the student personally. It is a more informal way for students to express interest in a position and ask questions about it before or after applying for it and is a great way to build a relationship with a recruiter.
Virtual Info Chats are 15-minute conversations with employers which students can schedule through Handshake. Taking direct messaging even further, Virtual Info Chats allow students to express interest in, ask questions about, and/or follow-up on a specific position in an online meeting with the contact person in the hiring organization.
Messaging and Virtual Info Chat options can be found in job descriptions in Handshake. Depending on how they have their settings, students may also be invited to sign-up for a Virtual Info Chat by employers reaching out to them directly.
Students should also connect with a Career Coach to learn how to make the most of these and other features in Handshake. Appointments can be scheduled through MyPlan or through the Career Coaching option on University Career Services’ website. Personal connections make a difference, and now Handshake makes those connections easier!
More details at: https://careers.unl.edu/resources/welcome-to-handshake-at-unl/