Terms You Need to Know

Full-Time Student Status: A twelve-semester credit load is considered full-time status. Having this status is often important for scholarship and financial aid eligibility and, in some cases, insurance eligibility. Fraternities, sororities and athletic teams also encourage students to be full-time for participation.

FERPA: The Family Education and Privacy Act (FERPA) was enacted by Congress to protect the privacy of student educational records.

FERPA prevents UNL faculty and staff from commenting about a student’s specific academic record. We can, however, explain to you in general terms UNL policies and procedures that impact your student. Advisers can relay more specific, individualized information directly to the student. If your students needs information
about their record, they need to contact their adviser directly.

Academic Probation: A student who earns a semester gpa of less than 2.00 or ends a semester with a cumulative gpa below 2.00 will be placed (or continued on) probation. The student will remain on probation until a semester is completed with both a semester and a cumulative gpa at or above 2.00 or until they are academically dismissed.

Letters notifying students that they have been placed on probation, continued on probation or dismissed will be sent to the students’ permanent address about two weeks after the term is completed. Students who have been academically dismissed should contact their adviser immediately. Students who have been placed or continued on academic probation should contact their adviser before classes begin since it may be in the student’s best interest to modify their schedule for the next semester. UNL opens after the holidays on January 2.