Education Abroad (formerly Study Abroad) opens up a world of opportunity to UNL students

Education Abroad: An Amazing Experience!
Education Abroad: An Amazing Experience!

UNL Education Abroad is an on-campus office that provides advising to students who are interested in studying abroad while enrolled at UNL. Students can choose from a variety of programs that allow them to study at foreign institutions, learn a language, intern, conduct research, or even take part in service learning activities while abroad. Students can participate in a short-term summer program (typically lasting three weeks or more), a semester long program, or one that lasts a full academic year. Some programs are even led by UNL faculty members!

The mission of the Education Abroad Office is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in meaningful, credit-bearing opportunities while abroad. UNL students have the opportunity to study in most countries throughout the world, and can earn credit while doing so. Students who receive scholarships and financial aid are, in many cases, able to apply their funding towards their program expenses.

Most UNL students can study abroad anytime during their degree program, but this depends on their program. Students should work closely with their academic advisor to determine when the ideal time is for them. Some students take elective courses while abroad, while others try to find required courses they need to take while abroad to lower their time to degree completion. Students can even study abroad for ACE 9 credit!

Students interested in learning more about education abroad opportunities can email us at: or visit our website for more information:

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