SCMA Faculty/Staff Achievements

Dr. Majid Nabavi (left), Erkut Sönmez (middle), and Yingchao Lan (right)
Dr. Majid Nabavi (left), Erkut Sönmez (middle), and Yingchao Lan (right)

The faculty and staff of SCMA had a productive year and found success in many ways, from winning awards, to serving on cutting-edge teams. Some of these accomplishments are featured below.


Dr. Erkut Sönmez was promoted to Associate Professor and granted tenure.

Dr. Majid Nabavi was promoted to Associate Professor of Practice.

Dr. Shivam Gupta earned the MBA Distance Teaching Award, which is given to the professors who made the most positive impact on online graduate students’ educational experience.

Dr. Jennifer Ryan earned the Distinguished Research Award for her notable achievements in research, including the following: published in numerous top journals, conducted research on inventory management, had several National Science Foundation grants, and earned two Best Paper Awards from the Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference.

Shawntell Kroese earned the Excellence in Teaching Award, which is given to professors who made a positive impact on their students’ educational experience.

Dr. Yingchao Lan was named as a finalist for the prestigious Chan Han Best Paper Award at the 2020 Academy of Management Conference for her article “Which Supplier to Select for Product Development? A Node, Dyad, and Network Level Investigation.”

Dr. Yingchao Lan won the Chan Hahn Best Paper Award at the 2021 Academy of Management Conference for "Ancillary Cost Implication of Multisiting Physicians and Interorganizational Collaboration in Healthcare Delivery." The award honors the best paper presented as part of the OSCM Division conference program as determined by ratings and comments received from conference reviewers.

Dr. Özgür Araz’s research in Health Systems journal was the most read in 2020 and was featured by the Operational Research Society in its Most Read Collection of articles. The article name is “The importance of widespread testing for COVID-19 pandemic: systems thinking for drive-through testing sites.”

Four business faculty were named Nebraska Governance and Technology Center Faculty Fellows including two from SCMA: Dr. Özgür Araz and Dr. Erkut Sönmez. The program aims to develop a cohort of academics who will engage governance and technology challenges in interdisciplinary terms.

Dr. Jennifer Ryan was appointed as the focused issue editor for Supply Chain and Logistics at IISE Transactions, the flagship journal of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), which is the main professional society for academics in industrial and systems engineering.

Dr. Jennifer Ryan was selected as one of six faculty to represent Nebraska as a faculty fellow in the academic leadership program offered by the Big Ten Academic Alliance.

Thirty-one business faculty and staff received service awards in fall of 2020. Awards to faculty and staff of the Supply Chain Management and Analytics department for five calendar years of service included: Clyde Davis, Dayna Larreau, Dr. Majid Nabavi, and Dr. Jennifer Ryan.