Featured Faculty: Dr. Shivam Gupta

Pictured: Shivam Gupta
Pictured: Shivam Gupta

Dr. Shivam Gupta is an assistant professor of Supply Chain Management and Analytics at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Business. He earned his Ph.D. in management science from the Naveen Jindal School of Management at the University of Texas at Dallas. He also received his bachelor and master of technology in civil engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, India. Prior to joining Nebraska in the fall of 2018, he was an assistant professor in the McCoy College of Business at Texas State University.

Dr. Gupta’s research interests lie in designing algorithms/mechanisms to align incentives between multiple parties. For example, in a buyer-supplier setting, the suppliers may privately know their cost and non-cost attributes for supplying a product. In his research, Dr. Gupta proposes mechanisms that are shown to deliver the lowest total cost of ownership for the buyer. In a firm-vendor setting, the firm may not be able to observe the actions of the vendor. Dr. Gupta proposes contracts that can induce the vendor to work as per the firm’s recommendations at the lowest possible cost. Dr. Gupta is also interested in studying public policies and their operational implications. For example, using data from the commercial seed market in EU, he found that keeping the markets partially integrated delivers an increase in the social surplus by 2.8 percent, relative to complete integration (single-market). An overarching theme of his research is to generate insights or practical solutions that can have economic and social impact in the real-world. His work has been published in premier journals in his field including Production and Operations Management, and Operations Research.

At UNL, he teaches the Business Analytics course (SCMA 350) at the undergraduate level and the Prescriptive Analytics course (SCMA 855) at the MS/MBA level. These two courses together, cover the entire spectrum of Business Analytics – specifically, in SCMA 350, he teaches descriptive and predictive analytics which helps students to visualize historical patterns in data and to apply statistical models to convert these patterns into meaningful predictions. In SCMA 855, he teaches how to take actions or decisions now that can influence future outcomes in a favorable manner. Broadly, he teaches the art of decision making to students via mathematical programming and optimization. Dr. Gupta has been rewarded the MBA Distance Teaching Award in 2021 and has also received nominations for the College’s Distinguished Teaching Award in 2020 and 2021.

In his spare time, Dr. Gupta likes to watch movies, travel, and spend time with his family.

For more information, the academic webpage of Dr. Gupta is available at: https://business.unl.edu/people/sgupta