Supply Chain Management Capstone Course Connects with Local Companies

Dr. Scott Swenseth guides students toward real-world experience.
Dr. Scott Swenseth guides students toward real-world experience.

Students in SCMA 474 (Strategic Supply Chain Management), which is the capstone course for Supply Chain majors, have spent their semesters working with Nebraska companies as consultants to analyze and evaluate various aspects of their businesses.

Students in the course start out their semester studying a business text that summarizes the five disciplines for top performing companies. The text, “Strategic Supply Chain Management,” is quite often found on the desks or bookshelves of supply chain professionals. Through reading and studying, the students in SCMA 474 compile their supply chain education into simple steps that companies have taken to achieve competitive advantage. Along with the text, students discuss current business articles pertaining to the covered topics and gain a greater understanding of their overall education. They also see the implementation of educational topics in the business world.

As a means of strengthening the students’ credentials and providing an experiential learning opportunity, students also partner with Nebraska firms to conduct an analysis of a current operational challenge and develop potential responses to improve profitability. The students are separated into groups of 3-4 per firm and then work with a company representative to mentor them in their total project analysis.

Topics have ranged from micro-analysis of daily resource use to identifying criteria to improve long-term growth. During the past two semesters, the following firms have served as mentors in the course:
• Crete Carrier
• Werner Enterprises
• ConAgra Brands
• LOUP, a Union Pacific Logistics Company
• Tractor Supply Company

During Dead Week each semester, projects are completed through a presentation of analysis, recommendations and transition plans to the company mentors and executives during an on-site meeting. The student consultants are able to be questioned on their methods and presentations by the members of the audience, providing an opportunity for growth in the students’ public speaking and presentation skills.

The consulting project, along with the summary text, and participation in a semester-long simulation are keystones to the capstone course.