SCMA Publications

Dr. David Olson is an active member of the analytics community.
Dr. David Olson is an active member of the analytics community.

From understanding the role of analytics in risk management to exploring inventory sharing, our faculty have been busy this year, publishing work that affects a wide variety of industries across the globe.

A few of this year's publications in the field's most prestigious journals are featured below:

Dr. Özgür Araz:
• Araz OM, Choi T, Olson D, Salman S. Role of analytics for operational risk management in the era of big data. Decision Sciences (accepted, 2020).
• Araz OM, Choi T, Olson D, Salman S. Data analytics for operational risk. Decision Sciences (Editorial) (accepted, 2020).

Dr. David Olson:
• Bongsug Chae, D.L. Olson, “A topical exploration of the intellectual development of Decision Sciences 1975-2016,” Decision Sciences (to be published).
• O. Araz, T.-M. Choi, D. Olson, S. Sibel, “Role of analytics for operational risk management in the era of big data,” Decision Sciences (to be published).
• O. Araz, T.-M. Choi, D. Olson, S. Sibel, “Data analytics for operational risk management,” Decision Sciences (to be published).

Dr. Jennifer K. Ryan:
• Shao, L., J.K. Ryan, and D. Sun, “Responsible Sourcing under Asymmetric Information: Price Signaling vs. Supplier Disclosure.” To appear in Decision Sciences (accepted, June 2020).
• Batur, D., J.K. Ryan, M.C. Vuran and Z. Zhao, “Dynamic Pricing of Wireless Internet Based on Usage and Stochastically Changing Capacity.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Vol. 21, No. 4 (2019), p. 833-852.
• Basten, R.J.I. and J.K. Ryan, “The value of maintenance delay flexibility for improved spare parts inventory management.” European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 278, No. 2 (2019), p. 646-657.
• Li, Z., J.K. Ryan, L. Shao and D. Sun, “Incentive-Compatible in Dominant Strategies Mechanism Design for an Assembler under Asymmetric Information.” Production & Operations Management. Vol. 28, No. 2 (2019), p. 479-496.

Dr. Liang (Leon) Xu:
• Xu Liang, Zhao Hui, Petruzzi C. Nicholas. 2019. Inducing Compliance with Post-market Studies for Drugs under FDA’s Accelerated Approval Pathway. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (forthcoming).
• Zhao Hui, Xu Liang, Siemsen Enno. 2020. Inventory Sharing and Demand-Side Underweighting. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (forthcoming).