Featured Student: Connor O’Meara

Connor O'Meara helped build our supply chain community through the Nebraska Supply Chain Club.
Connor O'Meara helped build our supply chain community through the Nebraska Supply Chain Club.

Before graduating in May 2020, supply chain management major and past Nebraska Supply Chain Club president, Connor O’Meara, had a job lined up as a customer support associate at DMSi Software in Omaha. Since DMSi has been so involved with the club, the contacts he made there asked him to apply for a job. He’s excited to join the DMSi team, especially since he has been interested in the company ever since joining the club his freshman year. O’Meara’s decision to join the club was of course tied to his decision to major in supply chain management.

“I chose to major in supply chain because I wanted to have a job that challenged me in new ways every day. Every person I talked to who has a job in the supply chain industry tells me that no two days are the same. That was exactly the type of job I wanted,” he said. “I later joined the Nebraska Supply Chain Club because I found it to be a great way to network with not only professionals in the industry, but with other supply chain students and College of Business students and professors. I eventually chose to serve as president because the club gave so much to me in years prior and I wanted to give back. I loved working with fellow club members to host fun events and travel to new places. I also made some great friends and will actually be starting my new job with two other club members!”

In his free time, O’Meara likes to hang out with friends and socialize. Although the pandemic has made this a challenge, he’s thankful he can keep in touch through technology.

The most helpful advice he ever received is to “get involved and put yourself out there.”

“When I first stepped foot on the UNL campus, all the tour guides were telling us to get involved wherever we could on campus. At first, I shook it off and didn't think much of it. But after going through four years of college, it has definitely paid off. I've made so many great friends that I wouldn't have met any other way,” said O’Meara.