The Cabela’s Apprenticeship Poster Session is noon to 1 p.m. Dec. 6 in the second floor lobby of Hardin Hall on East Campus.
The Cabela’s Apprenticeship Program funds undergraduate research projects aimed at providing tangible, experiential opportunities for undergraduate students to address issues around recruiting and maintaining participants in outdoor activities, creating and managing fish and wildlife and their habitat, protecting threatened and endangered species, and supporting conservation of ecosystems. It is a partnership with Cabela’s, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, and SNR at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Each year, current apprentices create posters highlighting their research project and present them to Cabela’s and Game and Parks representatives, as well as faculty, staff and students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
This year’s students and their projects include:
- Jacob Harvey, senior fisheries and wildlife major, “Gaining a better understanding of fur trappers in Nebraska”
- Morgan Wirth-Murray, senior water science major, “Mapping Soil Management Practices by Motivation”
- Joshua Johnson, “Family Fishing Events: Nebraska Game and Parks”
- Kayla Vondracek, junior environmental studies major, “How are humans impacting the Niobrara River ecosystem”
- Sydney Kimnach, junior environmental restoration science and fisheries and wildlife major, “Effects and Implications of Nutrients on Water Quality in Nebraska's National Scenic River - The Niobrara River”
- Riley Ellwanger, senior computer science major, “Waterfowl Survey- Ducks Unlimited”
- Brooke Mott, senior fisheries and wildlife and classics and religious studies major, “Tern & Plover Population Assessment on the Platte”
- Alex Otto, senior fisheries and wildlife major, “Bottlenose Dolphin Research”
- Camden Oathout, junior fisheries and wildlife major, “Significance of the Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen as Nutrients in Channel Catfish”
- Nicholas Manzi, sophomore fisheries and wildlife major, “Determine the Maximum Growth Rate of Blue Gill in Aquaculture Situation”
- Alexis Vrana, junior fisheries and wildlife major, “Family Fishing Events: Nebraska Game and Parks”
- Nicolase Goracke, sophomore fisheries and wildlife and agriculture production systems major, “Assessing duck nesting density and changes in habitat at Valentine National Wildlife Refuge.”
- Brighid Welchans, senior fisheries and wildlife and environmental studies major, “Walleye Stocking Evaluation in Southeast Nebraska.”
- Sean Warren, senior fisheries and wildlife major, no title available.
An informational session for those interested in applying for a Cabela's Apprenticeship for the 2020-'21 school year will run concurrently with the event.