![Susan Olafsen-Lackey (second from left) with other NRD Hall of Fame Inductees](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file172631.jpg)
During Husker Harvest Days, Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) recognized Susan Olafsen-Lackey, NRD Supporter, who will be inducted into the NRD Hall of Fame.
Susan Olafsen-Lackey is a research hydrologist with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Conservation and Survey Division (CSD) and the School of Natural Resources (SNR). She began her career with CSD in 1991 and has used her knowledge and experience to help Nebraska communities and agencies protect and manage water resources.
“Sue is always willing to share her knowledge with those interested in learning about our precious groundwater resources,” said Mike Murphy, Middle Niobrara NRD general manager. “She is the hardest-working person dedicating her time, knowledge and expertise.”
Olafsen-Lackey holds a Nebraska professional geologist license and a water well and pump installers contractor’s license. Her main research emphasis is the groundwater flow system in northeast and north-central Nebraska including determining subsurface geology, as well as collecting and analyzing water level and water chemistry data. She has logged more than 78,000 feet of test holes for northeast Nebraska and is highly regarded by CSD and her colleagues.
“Sue’s very hard work and constant dedication exemplifies the tradition of cooperation between the Conservation and Survey Division and Nebraska’s NRDs,” said CSD Nebraska State Geologist Matt Joeckel. “We are very proud of Sue and our respect for her is universal.”
Olafsen-Lackey serves on many water-related boards and committees and has authored or co-authored numerous publications, maps and presentations. Her CSD service area encompasses part or all of seven Natural Resources Districts.
“Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts’ projects involve many dedicated individuals working to make the good life great,” said Dr. Orval Gigstad, president of the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD). “We’re proud to recognize these outstanding individuals for the significant improvements they’ve made to our natural resources, and the NRD Hall of Fame is one small way to thank them.”
Annually, Nebraska’s NRDs nominate and vote for individuals who have made significant contributions to improving the state’s natural resources. Hall of Fame categories include an NRD Director, NRD Employee and NRD Supporter. The NRD Supporter includes an individual outside the NRD system who has shown tremendous care and leadership in Nebraska’s ongoing conservation efforts.
The Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD), the trade association for Nebraska's 23 Natural Resources Districts (NRD), works with individual districts to protect lives, property and the future of Nebraska’s natural resources. NRDs are unique to Nebraska, and act as local government entities with broad responsibilities to protect Nebraska’s natural resources. Major Nebraska river basins form the boundaries of the 23 NRDs, enabling districts to respond to local conservation and resource management needs. Learn more about Nebraska’s NRDs at http://www.nrdnet.org.
More details at: https://snr.unl.edu/aboutus/who/people/faculty-member.aspx?pid=492