UNL launched the 2014 fall semester with more than 24,000 students enrolled in 2,600-plus course offerings across nine colleges. To help ease students' transition back to campus, here's a list of useful websites, ranging from campus maps and parking information to entertainment options and the academic calendar.
Two campus services students should consider include downloading the Nebraska app and registering to receive UNL Alert messages.
The Nebraska app pulls essential campus information into one source on a mobile device or smartphone. The app includes many of the links below. It is available for free for Android and iOs devices.
UNL Alert is a system that sends text messages and emails on campus emergency situations to designated devices and addresses. Weather-related closings are also announced through UNL Alert. For more information, or to register, go to http://emergency.unl.edu/unlalert.
Students, parents and the public can also subscribe to UNL Today, an electronic newsletter published three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) during the academic year. The e-newsletter features a variety of campus news and information. Subscribe at http://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/1/subscribe/.
The list of important UNL links is below in alphabetical order. If you can't find what you need here, ask a member of the UNL faculty or a staff employee. We're here to help.
Important UNL links
Academic Calendar — http://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar
Campus Bus Service — http://parking.unl.edu/transit
Campus Directory — http://directory.unl.edu
Campus Maps — http://maps.unl.edu/
Campus Rec — http://crec.unl.edu/home
Class Changes (adds, drops, changes, withdrawls) — http://go.unl.edu/coursechanges
Computer Help Center — http://its.unl.edu/helpcenter
Husker Tickets — http://www.huskers.com/
Lied Center for Performing Arts — http://www.liedcenter.org/
My.UNL — http://go.unl.edu/myunl
MyRed — http://go.unl.edu/myred
Nebraska App — http://www.unl.edu/apps/
Parking — http://parking.unl.edu/
Ross Media Arts Center — http://theross.org/
Student Involvement — http://involved.unl.edu/
University Bookstore — http://go.unl.edu/unlbookstore
University Health Center — http://health.unl.edu/
University Libraries — http://libraries.unl.edu/libraries
University Police — http://police.unl.edu/
UNL Alert — http://emergency.unl.edu/unlalert
UNL Computer and Phone Shop — http://marketplace.unl.edu/phoneshop/
UNL Social Media Directory — http://communicators.unl.edu/social-media-directory