In April, the Center for Transformative Teaching will host the Teaching a Growth Mindset workshop on April 14 from 1-2 p.m.
Participants will learn what a growth mindset is, how to convey a growth mindset to students, the impact an instructor’s mindset has on students, and the various ways course materials and interactions can encourage students to adopt a growth mindset.
A second workshop, Aspirational Teaching: Fostering Co-Creation in Our Classrooms, will take place on May 10 from 2-3 p.m. This workshop will give instructors examples of different approaches for implementing co-creation within their classrooms to highlight the variety of ways that students can generate knowledge within a course. It will also include a hands-on activity to help instructors develop a specific co-creation activity for their courses.
May also kicks off the Institute for Online Teaching. Starting May 17 and running through June 11, the four-week program is designed to guide novice online instructors through the steps of course planning and development and to explore the unique opportunities and challenges of the online learning environment.
IOT will be open to all members of the university’s instructional community including faculty, graduate teaching assistants, and contingent faculty. View detailed information and register on the IOT webpage.
More details at: https://teaching.unl.edu/