Well-being certification offers personal growth

Developing a vision board, or collection of images that make you happy, is one of the activities included in the Well-being Certification.
Developing a vision board, or collection of images that make you happy, is one of the activities included in the Well-being Certification.

During a time when many individuals’ resilience has been pushed to the brink, some university community members are focused on enhancing their well-being and learning to look out for others at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Well-being certification, a new offering through Big Red Resilience and Well-being, helps individuals discover healthy behaviors, enhance their ability to connect with others, learn about reducing stigma and become trained in resilience practices. Through the ten-step process, participants complete self-discovery across all nine dimensions of well-being: career, cultural, emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in this program,” said Erin Bauer, a lecturer in Entomology. “The wellness assessments and activities have taught me more about my character strengths, setting wellness goals, and how to be proactive in reducing stress through techniques such as mindfulness.”

Bauer says the vision board activity was her favorite activity because of the joy it brings her when she looks for inspiration. While the pandemic brought challenges, a renewed focus on personal well-being may be a positive side effect, and she hopes it will have lasting power.

“We hope to add face-to-face activities once the pandemic is behind us. I first heard about the Well-being certificate when Connie Boehm spoke at one of our faculty meetings. I felt it would provide some additional training and knowledge that could benefit both me as a Wellness Committee member and be something I could share with others.”

All faculty, staff and students are eligible to participate in the program. Certification criteria is available at the Big Red Resilience and Well-being’s website.

More details at: http://https://resilience.unl.edu/well-being-certification