Third round of teaching grants offered
The Center for Transformative Teaching's third round of teaching grants are open to university faculty. Applicants have until April 30 to submit proposals. Continue reading…
The Center for Transformative Teaching's third round of teaching grants are open to university faculty. Applicants have until April 30 to submit proposals. Continue reading…
Campus Bookstore textbook ordering deadlines are April 15 for summer sessions, May 15 for fall semester, and October 15 for next spring. These early deadlines give Follett the time it needs to source the most affordable textbook options for students. Continue reading…
The Center for Transformative Teaching will be hosting Teaching a Growth Mindset, Aspirational Teaching: Fostering Co-Creation in Our Classrooms, and the Institute of Online Teaching starting April 14 and running through July. Continue reading…
The Respondus Instructor Live Proctoring feature lets instructors proctor students with Zoom and LockDown Browser. Continue reading…
Learn about this framework for introducing first-year scholars to five areas of support for academic success and well-being. Leaders from academic and student success units will describe how they use POWER to support their students followed by breakout sessions with faculty and staff. Continue reading…
After being awarded a grant from the Center for Transformative Teaching, Josh Brummer facilitated a cross-disciplinary seminar to better engage students at UNL with the help of learning assistants. Continue reading…
First Year Research Experience allows students to use their federal work study funds in a research or creative activities job, enabling students to get paid to learn. Job descriptions from interested faculty mentors for AY 21-22 are due May 15 and can be submitted at Continue reading…
A new open educational resources grant has been made available through generous funding from Women Investing in Nebraska, the NU Provost’s Office, and UNL’s Center for Transformative Teaching. Applications will be accepted through May 3. Continue reading…
Students participate in a wide variety of experiential learning opportunities and Career Services has launched a new dashboard in MyRED to collect information about this important aspect of their college experience. Continue reading…
The International Conference of Undergraduate Research is a two-day academic conference held in September that showcases multi-disciplinary undergraduate research from across the globe. Continue reading…
Love Library North and Link will be closed beginning May 10 through June 2021 for planned construction. The closure will impact the DLC Exam Commons, DLC Scanning Services, Huskertech, One Button Studio, and Wepa printing kiosks. Continue reading…
Zoom recently added the Live Transcript (Live Captions) feature to the university's service. Also, due to the growing popularity and ease of recording Zoom meetings, ITS is running out of cloud storage for these meetings. ITS asks that users only make necessary recordings. Continue reading…
During a time when many individuals’ resilience has been pushed to the brink, some university community members are focused on enhancing their well-being and learning to look out for others at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Continue reading…
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