For the third consecutive year, the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor will be distributing the Husker Student POWER survey to all new first-year and transfer scholars. The survey is designed to identify scholars who may need additional resources or referrals to support their university transition and belonging. The yes or no questions for fall 2021 are the following:
- I have found a friend or group of friends at UNL.
- I am experiencing financial distress.
- I want assistance in becoming involved in campus life.
- I am struggling in one or more classes.
- I would like some support for my emotional well-being.
- I have questions but I do not know who to ask for answers.
- I am having technological difficulties in completing my coursework.
- I have the course materials I need for all my classes.
- I sometimes feel alone or isolated because of my racial, ethnic, or cultural identity.
- I am considering not returning to UNL next semester.
- I am attending all of my classes (in person and/or remotely) regularly.
- I sometimes feel alone or isolated because of my sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Campus teams are organized to contact scholars who raise concerns in particular areas and provide additional support and resources. An analysis by Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics of the past survey distributions showed that scholars who respond have higher grade point averages and retention than scholars who do not.
Instructors of first-year classes and staff who support first-year programs are encouraged to promote survey participation to their scholars.
More details at: https://huskerstudentpower.unl.edu