Upcoming CTT workshops and symposium

Upcoming events
Upcoming events

A new school year means new teaching and learning opportunities offered by the Center for Transformative Teaching.

The CTT has several upcoming workshops that focus on new and unique teaching methods, pedagogical research, and using open education resources.

The first workshop, An Introduction to Backward Design, will be held on Oct. 7. Participants will learn about the basic components of the backward design process and how it can help ensure alignment between course goals and assessments.

Faculty members interested in pedagogical research can attend The Science of Teaching: How to take a Scholarly Approach to your own Classroom on Oct. 18 and learn about conducting a formal research project intended for publication and more.

For faculty interested in switching from bulky textbooks to online resources, the Finding and Implementing OER workshop will be held Nov. 2. Open education resources are beneficial for instructors who are interested in alternatives to current textbooks, and for those looking for additional ways to provide equitable experiences in their classrooms.

Finally, rounding out the fall semester will be the Fall 2021 Teaching and Learning Symposium held on Nov. 5. The symposium provides an opportunity to engage in conversations about teaching and learning and to hear from experts on emerging issues in improving student outcomes and to improve teaching in Nebraska.

The fall symposium will focus on co-creation and student success and will feature keynote speaker Alison Cook Sather, director of the Teaching and Learning Institute at Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges and professor of education at Bryn Mawr College.

All upcoming events will be held in-person and online via Zoom and open to the teaching community at the university.

Those interested in finding out more about upcoming events at the CTT can visit teaching.unl.edu/events.

More details at: https://teaching.unl.edu/events