Reference and citation managers are invaluable in the toolkit of advanced researchers. At their most basic level, they help users in creating citations. At their most sophisticated level, reference managers offer advanced features to network and share citations with colleagues.
Two of the reference managers that the University Libraries supports, Mendeley and RefWorks, are undergoing updates and changes that will require the use of a plug-in through Microsoft’s application store when used in conjunction with Microsoft Word. The remaining reference managers, Zotero and EndNote, are not affected by these changes.
In order to support campus users of Mendeley and RefWorks, the University Libraries partnered with Information Technology Services to make the newest versions of these tools available to faculty, staff, and students. These plug-ins have gone through a security review by ITS and are approved for use.
To access the plug-ins, UNL users will need to opt-in to the plug-in(s) they wish to use alongside UNL’s enterprise Word. Once a user has opted in, the relevant plug-in(s) will be installed in both the user’s web version of Word and the user’s installed Desktop version.
Visit the Libraries’ Reference Managers webpage for more information, including instructions and information on other reference managers the Libraries’ team supports.
More details at: https://libraries.unl.edu/citation-tools