Understanding AI benefits and limitations
Help students understand the benefits and limitations of artificial intelligence with a collection of activities that are designed to integrate AI into learning experiences. Continue reading…
Help students understand the benefits and limitations of artificial intelligence with a collection of activities that are designed to integrate AI into learning experiences. Continue reading…
With commencement ceremonies only a few weeks away, encourage graduating students to complete the First Destination Survey, which collects important information about their plans including employment, graduate school, military service, and other opportunities. Continue reading…
The deadline has been extended through May 1 for nominations for the inaugural Honors Innovative Teaching Award, co-sponsored by the Center for Transformative Teaching and the University Honors Program. Continue reading…
The Successful Teaching with Affordable Resources working group will host virtual focus group sessions on May 1 and 2 to learn about instructor experiences with course materials selection and adoption, and to share upcoming initiatives and opportunities. Continue reading…
University Libraries is providing additional opportunities, including consultations and grant funds, for instructors interested in exploring or integrating more affordable or open paths to materials in their courses. Continue reading…
Increasing and widespread access to AI necessitates a syllabus policy and the alignment of assessments and classroom activities with that policy. Learn about the different approaches for determining a policy for your classroom. Continue reading…
UNL's four-week Teaching Online Learning Community begins July 8 and offers practical discussions with peers and instructional designers, as well as workshops with real-time feedback. Registration is open to all instructors, including GTAs. Continue reading…
A new training course designed to equip instructors with a holistic understanding of UNL's technological landscape is available in Canvas. Continue reading…
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships invites students to participate in advising for Fulbright U.S. Student awards and graduate scholarships. Continue reading…
The Career Services website will be revamped for fall 2024 with enhanced navigation and resources for students, faculty, and employers. Look for refined career resources in August as you prepare for the new academic year. Continue reading…
Round out the academic year with training on Yuja, Canvas Analytics, and Adobe Express. Continue reading…
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