One hundred and fifty of the approximately 700 student veterans enrolled at UNL can be mobilized domestically or overseas at any time to respond to natural disasters. While in most cases these citizen-soldier/students are aware of training and deployment schedules well in advance, sometimes these students may receive only a 24-48 hour notification. Even when deployment and Annual Training (AT) dates are known in advance, it doesn’t completely relieve the stress students and families experience in being absent from home.
At Nebraska we support our student veterans and their call into military service. Our Military & Veteran Success Center (MVSC) assists students with deployment preparations and their transition back to campus. The MVSC encourages every student veteran who may receive orders to deploy or train, to meet 1:1 with their instructors and explain their circumstances, share their assignment orders and explore possibilities that support the desired outcomes for both student and instructor. As an instructor, you can make a difference by supporting students in such planning.
Endorsed by the Office of the President of the University of Nebraska, Executive Memorandum No. 23 provides equitable, consistent support for student veterans who are called into military service while also continuing to support their student careers at Nebraska. These resources and more are available at the Military & Veteran Success Center located in the Nebraska Union, Room 16 as well as on the website: http://vetsuccess.unl.edu/
Please feel free to contact MVSC Director, Darrell Everhart at deverhart2@unl.edu, with any questions.