Syllabus Blurb on Academic Services

Partner with First-Year Experience and Transition Programs for academic success
Partner with First-Year Experience and Transition Programs for academic success

First-Year Experience & Transition Programs supports students during their academic journey at UNL. In addition to 1-on-1 coaching, academic workshops, and evening study stops, did you know that FYETP also supports instructors directly? Below is a paragraph that you can incorporate into your syllabus for the spring semester:

Are you looking for ways to increase your academic success? The First-Year Experience & Transition Programs office can help! FYE&TP academic success coaches and weekly workshops support all UNL students with topics like time management, overcoming procrastination, and successful test-taking strategies. Schedule a coaching session on MyPLAN or call at 402-472-1880. Helpful resources can also be found on the FYE&TP website at

FYETP staff also can meet with instructors to cover topics such as using MyPLAN to raise a flag or make a referral, best practices for student support and success, and topics and activities covered in our academic workshops. If you are interested in meeting with FYETP staff or would like us to join a meeting or training, please contact us via phone or email.

In addition, FYE&TP offers classroom presentations to your students. Topics for full workshops (50 minutes in length) or mini-workshops (15-30 minutes in length) include: time management, note-taking, motivation, test preparation, or general study skills. Our team can also tailor a presentation to a topic more specific for your needs. Use the below link to request a presentation.

FYETP welcomes opportunity for partnership and hopes for a great Spring 2017 semester!

Contact: or
Love Library South 127 or 402-472-1880