Teacher Connect features professional development opportunities for you and services that your students can use to be successful. If you have suggestions for topics, please send them to academicaffairs@unl.edu.
Would you like to have a guest lecturer speak to your class on a day you will be absent? If you feel your students could benefit from hearing in-depth information on a specific topic or if you need a special presentation from a speaker who has expertise in career readiness areas, please consider a Career Services classroom presentation. Continue reading…
After mastering the lecture format, MOOCs made it possible for the best lecturers to be used in any class and Brassil was challenged to justify the brick-and-mortar classroom experience. Continue reading…
On June 1, 2018 Blackboard will no longer be available to anyone at UNL. Instructors should archive all Blackboard content and grade data. Continue reading…
The UNL Spring Research Fair will be held April 4-5 in the Nebraska Union. Events include undergraduate and graduate poster sessions and competitions, creative exhibitions, and a student development workshop. Continue reading…