On Friday, March 2, you are invited to join the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor for a Coffee Chat focused on first generation students- one of the fastest growing populations in our student body. This is the second Coffee Chat in our series on changing student demographics.
During this Coffee Chat, you will learn how the needs of the first generation students are unique from their peers, discover what challenges and opportunities they face, engage with keynote speakers, and discuss how we can best adapt to serve these students.
The presentation will include raw and honest points of view from first generation students and two keynote speakers-Jeanette "Sam" Samuels and Dr. Elvira Abrica. Samuels is a Nebraska alum, first generation college graduate, and founder of Samuels & Associates, Ltd., which provides affordable, quality legal representation to Chicago's underserved industries and communities. Abrica is assistant professor in the College of Education and Human Sciences and expert on equity and access in higher education. An interactive discussion will follow.
First Generation Coffee Chat
Friday, March 2 7:30 - 9 a.m.
Union Regency Suite
Coffee and Light Refreshments Provided, no need to RSVP
Building on the success of our first Coffee Chat, the Office of the EVC is also planning to host at least two additional coffee chats, one per semester. Future presentations may explore how we best serve students of color, nonresident, and international students.
Thank you for your continued partnership in service to our students. We hope to see you on March 2!