Three Philosophy Courses available during Spring Pre-Session

Photographic Agency of musée Rodin - Jérome Manoukian
Photographic Agency of musée Rodin - Jérome Manoukian

PHIL 291 Ethics of Health Equity (2 Credits),
Explore problems of inequality in the context of medical care and global health outcomes, and discuss ethical issues with inequities across intersecting categories such as race, gender, age, and class. Students will enhance their understanding of care ethics and justice ethics perspectives and apply the discussions to an argument about an important health equity issue.

PHIL 291 The Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. (2 Credits)
This course is an introduction to political philosophy. Students will investigate various philosophical questions regarding justice and the just state in light of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s philosophy of non-violence and radical, racial justice. Open to non-majors. No prerequisite required.

PHIL 291 Ethics of Emerging Technologies (2 Credits)
Explore some of the moral questions surrounding modern technology: Should companies use attention-grabbing methods to influence our purchases and behavior? Are online friendships less genuine? How are real-life friendships impacted by online interactions? How do we handle algorithms that create echo chambers or are used for predictive policing and judicial sentencing?

More details at: