Make plans to attend! All teachers of mathematics (especially of grades 6-12) are invited to join in an evening of free food, fellowship and fun at a "Dinner & a Math Problem" event this fall.
Fall 2011 dates for Dinner & a Math Problem events in Hastings, Norfolk and Scottsbluff are scheduled as follows:
Date: Tuesday, November 15
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Hastings Middle School
Contact: Alicia Davis, adavis@esu9.org
Date: Wednesday, November 9
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Northeast Community College, Science Building
Contact: Stacey Aldag, stacey@northeast.edu
Topic: Probability and Statistics with Technology
Date: Tuesday, December 6
Contacts: Shelby Aaberg, saaberg@sbps.net
Meagan Stobel, stobelm@panesu.org
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/squ