June/July Garden Guide


By Mary Jane Frogge, Extension Associate in Lancaster County

Start a gardening notebook. Keep all your gardening records in this one location.

When you buy nursery plants that are container grown, check the root ball and make sure it is not bound too tightly. A mass of circling roots will stay that way even after it is planted in the ground.

Remove old flower heads from annual bedding plants to keep them blooming.

Use bark mulch around young trees to protect them from lawn mower damage.

Leftover vegetable and flower seeds may be stored in a cool, dry location to be saved for planting next year.

Weed removal is important for a number of reasons. It conserves moisture, conserves nutrients in the soil and helps prevent the spread of disease and insects.

For fall harvest of lettuce, radish, carrots, beets, turnips, kale and spinach, sow seeds in late July to early August.

Check the soil moisture of container-grown vegetables and flowers daily. As the temperature rises, some plants may need water twice-a-day.

A brown or grayish cast over a lawn can be caused by dull or improperly adjusted mower blades that shred grass rather than cut it.

Store pesticides in a safe place in their original containers, away from children and pets. Use pesticides carefully in your garden. Read the labels and follow the directions. The warnings and precautions are for your protection.

Certain pesticides have a waiting period of several days between the time of the last spray and harvest. Read and follow directions on all labels before applying to your vegetable crops. Wash all produce thoroughly before use.

Tall flowers should be staked to prevent damage by wind. Use stakes which are large enough to support the plant but are not too conspicuous. Use soft twine or twist ties to secure.