Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County - NEBLINE - June/July 2022
Tick comparison (all are females and magnified): Lone star tick (left), blacklegged tick (top center), American dog tick (right) (Photo by UNL Department of Entomology)
During the spring and summer, we receive a lot of inquiries regarding tick prevention and management. While peak season for ticks in Nebraska is throughout May and June, ticks can actually be active year-round in the state. Continue reading…
Summer is quickly approaching! With the increased temperatures and the interest to get outside, it is important to stay hydrated and monitor water consumption. Continue reading…
A great way to get your child or grandchild interested in plants and gardening this summer is to help them create their very own miniature garden. Miniature gardens are small container plantings, decorated in a way that appeals to your child’s interests. Continue reading…
Start a gardening notebook. Keep all your gardening records in this one location.
When you buy nursery plants that are container grown, check the root ball and make sure it is not bound too tightly. A mass of circling roots will stay that way even after it is planted in the ground. Continue reading…
Many parts of Nebraska have hard water. Hard water has a high mineral content; hardness primarily refers to the amount of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) dissolved in the water. Hard water is not just a private well owner’s problem, it affects many municipal water users, too. Continue reading…
If you’ve inherited or received farmland and want to learn more about the best strategies for managing this asset, learn what it means to own agricultural land today at one of several Nebraska Extension programs being hosted this summer across the state. Continue reading…
Extension Educator Melissa Bartels, based in Lancaster County, is part of a team that hosts a monthly CropWatch Podcast aimed at Nebraska producers. Continue reading…
Cooking in the kitchen is a great way to spend time with young children in your life. Although it may seem daunting, including young children in grocery shopping and preparing food is an excellent opportunity for children to learn. Continue reading…
Nebraska Extension is Offering a Series of Programs on Bed Bug Prevention and Management
Urban Entomologists and Extension Educators Dr. Jody Green (Douglas-Sarpy Counties) and Kait Chapman (Lancaster County), will discuss and provide educational resources on all-things bed bugs for different Continue reading…
The Statewide 4-H Companion Animal Challenge was held virtually in April. Youth had the opportunity to display their companion animal knowledge through six contests. Congratulations to all Lancaster County 4-H members who participated! Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Jamie Greenlee of Lincoln as winner of the June “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. She goes above and beyond her duties as Assistant to Science and Math at Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) to help with 4-H school enrichment... Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Bee Lab as winner of the July “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H Council is one of the nonprofits the community can give donations to during “Give to Lincoln Day” hosted by Lincoln Community Foundation. Your donation on May 26 is increased by a proportional share of a $500,000 challenge match fund! Continue reading…
Next Chapter at Nebraska is a college- and career-readiness program delivered through the Nebraska 4-H program that helps students prepare for and succeed in college by providing the skills students need to reach their academic goals. Continue reading…
All youth, as well as adults, may test their knowledge of plants through two upcoming plant science online contests.
• Lancaster County 4-H Online Tree ID and Grass & Weed ID Contests will be open from Friday, June 3, 9 a.m. through Monday, June 20, 9 a.m. Continue reading…
Extension Educator Hayley Jackson will present a Babysitting Training open to all youth ages 11–15 on Thursday, June 9, 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Register by Monday, May 30. Bring a sack lunch. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H Clover College is four days of in-person, “hands-on” workshops. It will be held June 21–24 at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Youth must be currently at least 6 years old (as of June 21) to attend. Continue reading…
The Nebraska State 4-H Camp near Halsey will offer several overnight camps June–August open to all youth ages 8–18 (need not be enrolled in 4-H). Sessions include:
• Innovation Nation (ages 8–14): June 12–16
• Horses & High Ropes (ages 8–16): June 19–22 Continue reading…
The Nebraska 4-H Youth Leadership Conference is an opportunity for all youth ages 14–18 to develop and practice leadership skills. Youth do not need to be enrolled in 4-H. The conference will be held June 24–26 at the Nebraska State 4-H Camp near Halsey. Continue reading…
Save the date “FORE” a 4-H Council Golf Tournament Fundraiser on Sunday, Oct. 2 at Woodland Hills Golf Course, Eagle. 1:30 p.m. shotgun start. This tournament is a four-person scramble and costs $75 per golfer or $300 per team. For reservations, call Woodland Hills at 402-475-4653. Continue reading…
Congratulations to two Extension Assistants at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County who will be promoted to Extension Associates effective July 1!
Meredith Kuca joined Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County as an Extension Assistant for the Nutrition Education Program (NEP) in September 2015. Continue reading…
Recently, several Lancaster County employees at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County were recognized for years of service to Lancaster County:
• Jenny DeBuhr, Administrative Services Officer, 20 years of service.
• Vicki Jedlicka, Publication & Resource Assistant, 20 years of service. Continue reading…
The monthly NEBLINE newsletter is published in this e-newsletter format as well as PDF format. A print version is available free to residents in U.S. postal codes: 683xx, 684xx, 685xx, 68003, 68017, 68065.
Upcoming 4-H events and deadlines are published in the "4-H - Lancaster County" weekly e-newsletter. All enrolled 4-H families who provide their email address in 4HOnline automatically receive this e-newsletter. Anyone can view it at