This long break is a perfect opportunity to help yourself get back on the right track with organization. No matter which area you'd like to improve on, we should have something to get you started. Remember, no one is born organized — it's a skill you can develop over time to help become a better version of yourself.
Your Closet
A big organization technique is to give everything a home. This way, you'll always know exactly where to put something so items don't pile up. For your closet, make sure you always have enough hangers for each piece of clothing, so you don't end up with massive amounts of clean laundry on the floor. You can also find some pop-up storage shelves to add additional space to put your belongings. Finally, get a shoe shelf or organizer to keep your shoes tidy and paired together, not in a messy bin.
Your Car
We all know how tricky it can be to avoid junk piling up in your car, so luckily there are some easy fixes to this issue. First off, whenever you park at a public place with a trash can, get in the habit of grabbing every wrapper or tissue in your car and carrying it inside with you to throw away. This will help you clear out that trash fast and often. You can also stop by a car wash or gas station with a free car vacuum — this will make all the difference in the appearance of your seats and floor. Finally, look into trunk organizers or seat gap pockets to serve as a catch-all for your other random car items.
Your Schedule
One simple tip that will make a huge difference in your life: write things down. Instead of convincing yourself you'll remember tasks and details later, get in the habit of writing all those things down. This way, you'll be sure to keep up with everything you need to do. It's also a good idea to invest in a planner. No matter whether you use a physical or digital version, having somewhere to organize your days will make an extraordinary difference in how cluttered your mind feels.
Your Kitchen
An organized kitchen is a great way to help you feel like a full-fledged adult, and there are a few simple ways to get you there. If you don't have a dishwasher, try and set aside a short time every day to clean up those dirty dishes. If you do have one, do your best to put away clean dishes right away so dirty ones don't pile up on the counter and your cabinets are always stocked. In your pantry, use shelf risers and racks to better organize your foods and ingredients, so you can always see what you have in stock. Keep a running grocery list on the fridge so you can write down what you've run out of right away, making it easy to figure out what you need when headed grocery shopping.
Your Bathroom
The first step to a clean bathroom is to declutter your old products or ones you don't regularly use. It's easy to let those bottles pile up, but finally getting rid of your collection will look and feel so much better. If you need more storage, consider getting a small shelf to fit on the countertop to store all your essentials. You can also get a tall rack to go over the toilet for a lot of extra storage space. Hang small organizers on the inside of your cabinet doors to add even more compartmentalized organization. Finally, drawer dividers will be extremely helpful for the bathroom because all your random odds and ends will finally have a home spot, rather than being thrown into another junk drawer.
Your Mindset
It's one thing to have an organized house, but another altogether to have an organized mind. If you can get yourself feeling motivated, relaxed and clearheaded, it'll do you worlds of good in your overall outlook on life. Try beginning with a simple meditation to clear your mind — this beginner's guide can help you out. You should also know when to take breaks and how to tell when you're feeling overwhelmed. Try not to multitask, as it can lead to feeling scattered and unproductive. Focus on doing each small task one at a time. Unplugging from social media for a bit can also be effective since you'll get a break from the constant stream of distractions that exist online. Finally, try and get enough sleep each night so you can face each day with an excited mood and feel caught up on what you need to get done.
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