Having trouble finding what you need in the library catalog? Need help finding scholarly or peer-reviewed articles for your assignment? “Drop in” to talk with one of our library experts! No appointment needed to ask questions and get tips on searching for scholarly literature, citing sources, and other research-related topics. All students are welcome!
Drop-In sessions start on August 30 with the following weekly schedule:
Sunday 3-6 PM on Zoom
Monday 3-5 PM at Adele Hall Learning Commons
Tuesday 5-7 PM at Adele Hall Learning Commons
Wednesday 3-5 PM at Dinsdale Family Learning Commons (East Campus)
Thursday 5-7 PM at Dinsdale Family Learning Commons (East Campus)
Times and locations may change based on space availability, staff schedules, and student needs – check the link below or the Libraries workshop calendar for the most up-to-date information.
For more information and the Zoom link visit: https://go.unl.edu/dropin
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/dropin